If you are a taxi driver you may be interested to hear about Poppy Cabs that has been in existence for around 13 years and has provided a great deal of help to war veterans wishing to attend Remembrance Day events in London.

On Remembrance Day, hundreds of taxi drivers give up their time and black cabs for free in the capital and can be seen lining up along Westminster Bridge in readiness for providing lifts to war veterans arriving at main line stations in the capital to attend the likes of The Cenotaph that is also attended by many members of the Royal Family and leaders of the political parties.

War veterans are able to travel at no cost to attend a ceremony in the comfort of a taxi and it goes without saying that they deserve such treatment considering just how much they have given up to help the UK in times of war. The veterans are of course going to a ceremony to pay their respects to the fallen some of whom will have been their relatives and friends.

Over the years, London cabbies have given lifts to thousands of war veterans on this very special day all at their own expense. They are to be commended especially in view of the difficult financial times that we have been going through in the UK in recent years and look like we will continue to go through for quite some time to come.

A Poppy Cab badge is also sold to help raise money for the likes of the Royal British Legion.

In addition to the taxi drivers, many of their family and friends also give up their time to provide assistance free of charge to provide support to the war veterans to help make their day as pleasant as possible on what for many is a very traumatic event.

Well done to London taxi drivers for providing so much support to the UK’S war veterans. Long may they continue to do so.